Is it another year? Another number to add. Adding it to my age, to the projects left unfinished, to the finished projects that made it out of the UFO's and off to the post office. I am like alot of people who have friends that are the right size and age and silhouette to wear those charming lingerie inspired articles on the pages of Interweave Knits and especially their pattern pages. Alas, either my numbers will drastically go down, or as an alternative there will be another ice age and we will all be modeling fashions after the Michilan Tire man. Or not.....I soothe my urge for something hand-knit by starting shawls and wraps and scarves. I've finished a scarf or ten, woven - not knit. I just could never have the patience to watch that slim width of yarn go on, and on, and on.... No, weaving is much simpler when yardage is required.

But I do digress.....another year to add to the richness that semi-old-age brings. At fifty I can just skip over the bra pattern that suggests a boning be added by decorative boning (I would need chain mail to keep everything within the boundaries of boning) and those cute little camisoles. No - I'll stick to the linen smocks and my growing collection of white tees, the big garden hats and SPF 100 sun screen. I can knit up plenty of wash cloths for the summer of nieces and nephews and Popsicles and keep them wet in sealed zip lock bags tucked in the over sized bags knit with hemp and linen. I like the utilitarian knits the best. I like the bags that hold all the things that only those whose children have grown and moved on to adulthood hold. The socks that were knit in January with cottons and synthetics are rolled like little rolly-poly bugs smiling in the confines of a pocket or two knit inside. Hats that will weather the waves and the sun, get buried in the sand, crown the scarecrow in the vegetable patch - they will all fit in that bag of mine.
I will keep myself amused, I will keep my hands busy, I will buy less yarn and knit more slippers and I will read more books before falling to sleep. I may have all those years behind me that have added up - I believe- be finally become more minutes, more hours, more days and weeks and months that I will use to breathe deeper, hurry less, fill the spaces with painting and writing and knitting and making things like I did as a child in nursery school where the best part of the day was nap time.
Welcome spring, we have all the time in the world......