The Dulaan Project
Knitting has taken over my life, mostly. Not that I don't have a lot of life to take care of with the 3 little puppies, the gardens in the backyard, looking for the elusive "Beefsteak Tomato" plants of my youth and general reading and writing. But, the other day I stumbled across the Dulaan Project, knitting to warm Mongolia and thought that all this nervous energy might be put to some good use. So. . . . . down to the basement and rummaging through the boxes and boxes of wool, silks, mohairs, homespun and weaving "extras" and back upstairs with a basket large enough to hold a picnic dinner for 6! So, off to the library, down to the basement library to get more books with wonderful patterns for mittens, hats, vests and sweaters. Then I eyed the piles of batik fabrics and am now awaiting a special pattern from "Favorite Things" www.favoritethings.net
What could be more fun and rewarding?
To find out more about this worthwhile endeavor go to 222.fireprojects.org/dulaan.htm
Meanwhile, back to knitting
