UFO's and other Fancy Stuff!
Well, the novel is written and is being tweaked in the wee hours of the morning - while trying to remember NOT to delete everything I've written. How to look at it objectively? I don't know. But I do know better than to visit it during times of stress (i.e., when trying to find something to keep me out of the Christmas Cookie Cookbook), during times of depression (I don't think we're going to make it to Canada this Christmas even though the velvet Christmas dress actually fits), and just plain "I don't think I've ever done anything right in my entire life" times. Just isn't good for the creative muse. Speaking of which - she has been visiting my past (could it be that Christmas future will show up shortly in my dreams) during the REM sleep cycle. Hmmm, no non-fiction for this gal - that is the writers territory.
The writer is nestled all snug in his little writing room - picking up where he left off before fall came upon us. There are books stacked everywhere and I can hear the keys clicking when I get up in the - - - ahem....morning? (He is the early riser, if you don't count the puppies waking me at 4:30 - 5:07 to go out and chase the night squirrels; I'm the one who doesn't like to compete with the morning rush hour, the early morning weather channel or the morning feeding of the little munchkins who are like kids for us.) There are web sites that flicker past as I go back and forth during the day performing "potty patrol." I have discovered that 3 dogs never, ever, have to go to the potty at the same time. Though they do enjoy waiting until your butt has nearly grazed the couch cushions before pleading to go out again - something was left undone, unburied, un-pooped or un-peed. No cup of tea remains hot, no glass of water remains cold. Ah, life with little ones, huh?
Okay - UFO's. I have some that are done: some that are undone, some that are
