Well, Christmas is over, New Years has come and gone and the knitting continues! I STILL HAVE NOT FINISHED the writers' sweater. I have the steeks cut, the seams sewn, picked up the stitches around the neck and added the collar. The zipper and two button loops and two buttons are all that remain...... the problem? Well, it is like they said when you got put on the "fat boy" program in the military - "Son, you either need to grow 6 inches or loose 40 pounds." I have taken this sweater apart - I mean ALL THE WAY down to the beginning row 3 times. It has taken me 3 years to get it this far and yes....... I am seriously considering unraveling this ONE MORE TIME in order to get it right. I have also considered duct taping the writer to his writing chair and refusing all but water and the necessary medications that keep a 50 plus adult functioning until the sweater once and for all fits...... Then I suppose I will have to put the zipper in, make the button loops and finally sew the two pewter buttons - completing this milestone in my knitting journey.

But don't fear readers - I have a new addiction that should carry me through to September at least. I've begun collecting Japanese cotton Yukuta fabrics with the insane thought of making rather chic comfortable summer quilts. That should keep me going. . . . .
From the land of no sleep here in every shrinking populous of Port Huron, Michigan where the default rate on mortgages threatens to reach the 75 percent level and the value of our little tiny home projected to be worth 30 percent less in this the third year of paying a mortgage that is twice as big as half the house I left in the wilds of Alaska . . . . I bid you Good Night.
