Two listings in one month! Oh my! After all the hullabaloo of the last posting about the nieces and nephews it seems that there is going to be another on on the way. Delicious! Cute, cuddly, wrapped in cotton, clothed in linen and cotton, hats and booties and bibs in cotton!!!!! I do get carried away. It has to be the greatest reward to have little ones all around and not a one to keep me awake at night....oh wait.....there is one little one here that keeps me awake with her comings and goings in the middle of the night. That would be "Scarlett O', the wonderdog".

I attempted to get some good pictures of the clothing for the nieces and nephews before taking them up to distribute them, I'm hoping to come back with pictures so you can ooohhh and aahhhh over their absolute cuteness.
Most all of the patterns shown are from "sew baby" and "favorite things". Both can be found on line and both a just pure fun! I especially like the sew baby "reversible sundress" which I have worn out 2 of the patterns, I always pair it with the sun hat from "Favorite things sundress".
Who would have known how many wonderful patterns there are out there if not for the handy, dandy internet? God bless them, God bless them one and all!!!
Honestly though. Nieces and nephews, step-children far away, children that have their fingers permanently poised on the "button", the one that goes straight to your heart whether it is because they are driving you completely out of your mind (which for any parent past the 2 year old stage will tell you it is a very, very short trip), or you feel like you could just burst from pride at who they have become. The world would be a sadder place if it weren't for those who stand less than 3 feet tall, and those that are approaching the last of their childhood and the first steps into young adults. Makes me teary eyed. Makes me thankful.
So, off to do some more sewing, knitting, painting and planting. Bye!
