I Know, I know, you've got to post to be read, you've got to read to post...

A wonderful friend has begun blogging from her new art space.  Not only am I jealous of her art space, I am kicking myself in the butt because - like the brushes which stare at me with as much guilt as Wendy's - her brushes have a far greater chance of being taken out of its vessel and becoming art!

I loved being in college - the crits - those terrible, knee shaking, nail biting crits at the end of the semester not only made me a more productive worker - it also removed all the reasons for not getting art done.  Anyone who has signed up and made it through the Life Drawing 101 - and the fearsome assignment of drawing 100 sets of hands and 100 sets of feet - translate to 100 left hands, 100 right hands, 100 left feet - you get the picture - - there was something to the rhythm of doing a thing over and over again until the simple repetition of the act opened the window of inspiration to go deep into the recesses of the amassed exercises in shading, shadowing, negative and positive space - the line itself and the impact of the missing line as influential as the line itself. 

Which leads to something else that happens when we assign to ourselves a personal appointment with art.  Showing up, getting there no matter what, until an unforeseen incident makes it impossible to go and if an immediate recovery allows us to return to the routine we are that much more indentured to the art of the mind vs. the art of the line on paper.    My line and paper, of late, has been snippets of colored cloth and some left over strands of embroidery thread.  I set a commonality of size 6x6 inches, the padding between front and back are of the same thickness - the binding around these smallish sized quilts was the same throughout.  I know from past experience that if I continue with the restricted size, material and approximately the same time each day that the art which has for some years now (yes, I admit it has been YEARS) will begin to bubble to the surface.  And I will be free again!!!

So, Wendy, my long time friend - who does the most AMAZING carvings!!!!!  Thank you for the wake up call.  I feel like we are just down the street from each other again.  Salute!



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