Who knows where the time goes?
You might recognize that line - it is from one of Judy Collins' songs so long, long, long ago. I'm going to be 60 next week and I'm beginning to feel like I'm getting old. (Besides that fact that every time it rains or snows or the barometer goes up or down my bones and joints ache - such is life.)
Where does the time go? If you are in love - time goes by so fast, like a whirlwind the romance, the proposals, the wedding, the first home, the first baby and then time begins to slow down. It will not - for a constant speed of time - speed up again until your child is in their junior year in high school - then life passes like a blur.
Einstein pondered this thing called time and we all have heard about not being able to go faster than the speed of light. That myth has been smashed and we are left with hands in pocket wondering what that means. What does it mean that you can go faster than light? Does that mean that you will see yourself in the moment that you surpass light speed and become 2 people that look the same, talk the same, dream the same, love the same? I don't know. There are lots of people in quantum mechanics and physics that are pondering that even now. Time is an illusion - but not in that it moves fast when you are occupied intensely in something or other - or that it is so slow when you are involved in a trauma and you can see everything around you moving so much slower than it is possible - it seems to take forever for the contact from the car, the tree, the ground - to hit you. Then, at that moment of contact you are sling shot back to the time field that everyone else is living in. We are at the cusp of learning what that means. What does it mean? Time?
There are things that we can measure - what is above, what is below, what is to the left and what is to the right. If we have a mirror we can add what is behind us and of course we can see what it in front of us. Now - if you add time to the mixture something peculiar happens. We have words that say we have seen this before - deje vu , we have words that describe an incident when we for see something simultaneously with another person - most often in twins or people who have an uncommonly close bond. What about time? It is not measured as here or there or above or below or beside us. And yet, time is the key to viewing how our life is metered out. Think about it. If you consider a chess board and the moves of the various pieces there is a definite pattern that not only reveals itself - it can be used to foresee other avenues of choices we could make.
When I read about ancient civilizations - Greek, Roman, the Mongul hoards, the Goths, Vis Goths, and such - - we view them on a map that charts their growth and their demise. If we did the same with our lives - would we be able to see where we are going before we get there? Psychologists would like to say that yes, we can - by repeated behavior leads to repeated endeavors. But - the God part - the one who brought us beings with 2 different sets of plumbing - has thrown a wrench into our lives. The God part seems to require that we make a connection of meaningful time and place with another human being in order not to feel alone in this wide and diverse universe. Ah Ha!
I went to a lecture in Anchorage, Alaska where the main speaker was Deepok Chopra. It had to have been in the late 1990's and he was a pretty hot commodity on the speaker scene. To have someone of his caliber come to Anchorage - I was very impressed (I didn't realize then, being a new resident of the state that there would be many distinguished speakers, plays, operas, musicals, etc., in the place I long to go home to). Back to Deepok. He talked about synchronicity - how the mere introduction of the word into our vocabulary will then produce for us scenarios in which synchronicity would take place. If we were thinking about tickets to the Aces - there would, then, be a response from the universe that would make our internal brain then seek out avenues of opportunities in which to procure the tickets. Sometimes it was the mention of someone else that got the ball rolling and all of a sudden we saw more cars like the one your friend had that was a lemon. All of a sudden they were every where. In fact, they were not - it was the need for the brain to isolate a particular path and go for it. As Mr. Chopra spoke, he talked about a future in which he hoped would make his presence no longer a magnet for media attention. He said that he hoped he would, in the future, fade away from the public eye and disappear into the background where he would be free to do as he liked without having cameras and questions asked of him. He was grateful for the attention that his books and lectures attendances and a comfortable income it would allow him - but there was more than that, he said, which he hoped would happen. He said - religion and science will, I believe, in the future, realize that they must combine the two in order to move forward in a way that would be beneficial for us as a civilization so we might take the next "quantum" step. This was way before quantum became such an everyday word. It was a very brave statement that he made that day - saying that science and religion will work together to make a better world.
Here we are - a couple of decades later and science IS saying that we must recognize, in the quantum application of life here on earth - the energy force, the being, the ONE, the ALL - there is something out there that steers the direction we take here on earth in order to survive ourselves. It is the BIG question that we all ask - we all ponder at some point in our lives. As we get older and the rush for "things" and "material consumption and collection" is no longer a singular drive to get up every day and go to work. We will retire - if we are lucky and we will have time to read about the past, follow the present and inquire into the future. To open our minds and let in some stardust maybe. Who knew that religion and science could occupy the same molecular fields?
Back to time. The tick tock of a clock - that is not time - the thing on our wrist is being passed over for the app on the phone when we search for time. We do not question that it is 10 o'clock here and at the very same time you are talking to someone where the time is 2 o'clock - it does not baffle us. We were told that in experiments - whether they were one sided, blind, double blind or other restrictive measures of keeping the outcome pure - - - we have found that that the act of watching the experiment changes the outcome. This is not so difficult if you take into account that the thing that you are watching for puts you in a mind of preconceived outcome. If you are looking for it to work - you do not see where it does not. You see where it might, you see where with a little extra this or a little less of that it will work - but you do not see what the actual outcome really is. The closest we can come to that conclusion was the outcome of a spectacular particle smashing experiment that revealed nothing that was expected, proposed, or feared. Instead - we find that two particles can be in the same place at the same time they are in different places. That they do not travel in pairs but seem to be a singularity in a paired outcome. So - we get back to the question: Who knows where the time goes?
Good night, and thank you for listening.
Where does the time go? If you are in love - time goes by so fast, like a whirlwind the romance, the proposals, the wedding, the first home, the first baby and then time begins to slow down. It will not - for a constant speed of time - speed up again until your child is in their junior year in high school - then life passes like a blur.
Einstein pondered this thing called time and we all have heard about not being able to go faster than the speed of light. That myth has been smashed and we are left with hands in pocket wondering what that means. What does it mean that you can go faster than light? Does that mean that you will see yourself in the moment that you surpass light speed and become 2 people that look the same, talk the same, dream the same, love the same? I don't know. There are lots of people in quantum mechanics and physics that are pondering that even now. Time is an illusion - but not in that it moves fast when you are occupied intensely in something or other - or that it is so slow when you are involved in a trauma and you can see everything around you moving so much slower than it is possible - it seems to take forever for the contact from the car, the tree, the ground - to hit you. Then, at that moment of contact you are sling shot back to the time field that everyone else is living in. We are at the cusp of learning what that means. What does it mean? Time?
There are things that we can measure - what is above, what is below, what is to the left and what is to the right. If we have a mirror we can add what is behind us and of course we can see what it in front of us. Now - if you add time to the mixture something peculiar happens. We have words that say we have seen this before - deje vu , we have words that describe an incident when we for see something simultaneously with another person - most often in twins or people who have an uncommonly close bond. What about time? It is not measured as here or there or above or below or beside us. And yet, time is the key to viewing how our life is metered out. Think about it. If you consider a chess board and the moves of the various pieces there is a definite pattern that not only reveals itself - it can be used to foresee other avenues of choices we could make.
When I read about ancient civilizations - Greek, Roman, the Mongul hoards, the Goths, Vis Goths, and such - - we view them on a map that charts their growth and their demise. If we did the same with our lives - would we be able to see where we are going before we get there? Psychologists would like to say that yes, we can - by repeated behavior leads to repeated endeavors. But - the God part - the one who brought us beings with 2 different sets of plumbing - has thrown a wrench into our lives. The God part seems to require that we make a connection of meaningful time and place with another human being in order not to feel alone in this wide and diverse universe. Ah Ha!
I went to a lecture in Anchorage, Alaska where the main speaker was Deepok Chopra. It had to have been in the late 1990's and he was a pretty hot commodity on the speaker scene. To have someone of his caliber come to Anchorage - I was very impressed (I didn't realize then, being a new resident of the state that there would be many distinguished speakers, plays, operas, musicals, etc., in the place I long to go home to). Back to Deepok. He talked about synchronicity - how the mere introduction of the word into our vocabulary will then produce for us scenarios in which synchronicity would take place. If we were thinking about tickets to the Aces - there would, then, be a response from the universe that would make our internal brain then seek out avenues of opportunities in which to procure the tickets. Sometimes it was the mention of someone else that got the ball rolling and all of a sudden we saw more cars like the one your friend had that was a lemon. All of a sudden they were every where. In fact, they were not - it was the need for the brain to isolate a particular path and go for it. As Mr. Chopra spoke, he talked about a future in which he hoped would make his presence no longer a magnet for media attention. He said that he hoped he would, in the future, fade away from the public eye and disappear into the background where he would be free to do as he liked without having cameras and questions asked of him. He was grateful for the attention that his books and lectures attendances and a comfortable income it would allow him - but there was more than that, he said, which he hoped would happen. He said - religion and science will, I believe, in the future, realize that they must combine the two in order to move forward in a way that would be beneficial for us as a civilization so we might take the next "quantum" step. This was way before quantum became such an everyday word. It was a very brave statement that he made that day - saying that science and religion will work together to make a better world.
Here we are - a couple of decades later and science IS saying that we must recognize, in the quantum application of life here on earth - the energy force, the being, the ONE, the ALL - there is something out there that steers the direction we take here on earth in order to survive ourselves. It is the BIG question that we all ask - we all ponder at some point in our lives. As we get older and the rush for "things" and "material consumption and collection" is no longer a singular drive to get up every day and go to work. We will retire - if we are lucky and we will have time to read about the past, follow the present and inquire into the future. To open our minds and let in some stardust maybe. Who knew that religion and science could occupy the same molecular fields?
Back to time. The tick tock of a clock - that is not time - the thing on our wrist is being passed over for the app on the phone when we search for time. We do not question that it is 10 o'clock here and at the very same time you are talking to someone where the time is 2 o'clock - it does not baffle us. We were told that in experiments - whether they were one sided, blind, double blind or other restrictive measures of keeping the outcome pure - - - we have found that that the act of watching the experiment changes the outcome. This is not so difficult if you take into account that the thing that you are watching for puts you in a mind of preconceived outcome. If you are looking for it to work - you do not see where it does not. You see where it might, you see where with a little extra this or a little less of that it will work - but you do not see what the actual outcome really is. The closest we can come to that conclusion was the outcome of a spectacular particle smashing experiment that revealed nothing that was expected, proposed, or feared. Instead - we find that two particles can be in the same place at the same time they are in different places. That they do not travel in pairs but seem to be a singularity in a paired outcome. So - we get back to the question: Who knows where the time goes?
Good night, and thank you for listening.