In the beginning, there were fallen sticks. There were also bits of hair and fur from prehistoric animals that stuck to the skin of Neanderthals - this was not good and got on the big man's nerves. He went to his mate and grunted "what the heck is this stuff and why does it stick to me like that?" She used sticks to remove the "stuff" and it stuck to the sticks. Soon it was a lump of "stuff" sticking to the sticks and she tried to pull it off the stick. Absent mindedly pulling on this "stuff" she then began to twirl it, the way that she twirled her hair when she had time off from cleaning the cave they lived in and before her Neanderthal mate came back from hunting.....she discovered "string!" Thinking that this "string" would make her fire poking stick not so rough on her hands and keep it from getting too hot she wound the string around the stick and created insulated handles. Soon everything that was held together with sticks had this string covering. One night, having dreamt of a great goddess who's mantel was of the light of the sun and the brilliance of the moon at night, she realized "aha!" I can make a mantel of my own by using this string to create a covering for my body! She played with the string and the sticks and soon she gave birth to "craft night" and taught others like her to spin the string, weave the string and finally to knit with the string. As she experimented with various kinds of "stuff" her mate brought home from hunting - you got it - the "stash" was born.
Now, hundreds and thousands of years later women from all walks of life have their own "stash" - born of prehestoric information stored in the primative brain stem of all peoples. And so - we create with all manner of "stuff" that sticks to us, rubs against us and falls on the floor screaming "add me to you stash." This blog is dedicated to others, like me, who have "stash" that has taken over their lives and turned them into artists of all kind of media. The idea of the blog was to share "art night" with others outside of the borders of this small river and lake city in Michigan and carry on the oral tradition of creative ideas exchanged from one to another.
Who am I? I am a painter, knitter, quilter, a guitar player, a dog lover and a wandering minstral of sorts who has retired to a small house ona border town between the U.S. and Canada, with 3 dogs, 9 fish and a dreamy guy from my island home. The first "art night" is scheduled for October 13th, a Friday, sounds only fitting to take an unlucky day and turn it into something creative. So, check back and I will post photos and materials with instructions for whatever we decided to create!

The paintings on this blog are from the "Dream" series - the painting at the top is titled "The Red Roof Inn", the landscape below and to the left is titled "Dream I", and the painting on right is titled "Madonna of the

All paintings are for sale, make inquiries to: pieces_of_time@hotmail.com