Two submissions in one day!  That won't happen again.....

I just wanted to let you know that the images for The Sketchbook Project 2011 have been posted on the site, you can access it here.  This was a daunting project for me.  The moleskine sketch books don't seem to be very big, or to be filled with too many pages - I go through one of them taking notes when I read an interesting book; I carry at least two around with me so I will always have somewhere to put sketches, future painting ideas and the like.  So I thought, problem.....I can fill that up in three months.  It was not easy, all those blank pages - seventy-nine to be exact - staring at me for months before I managed to get a stream of consciousness ( as opposed to the unconscious that is supposed to be kicking in and being creative) going.  Almost a third of the way through this tiny OM man shows up.  Then he has a woman with him - next thing I know, the pages have been filled.  The muse has landed! 

If you are in any of the cities that this project will be visiting, I hope that you will take the time to sample some of the delicious works of art from all over the globe.  If you are lucky enough to live in Brooklyn.... you can take your time and browse the collection of small books and other years of the Sketchbook Project.

Thanks for visiting my blog - and thank you for looking at my art.


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