Sunday Brunch:  September 30, 2018
Weight:  282.5
BP 141/72 57 pulse
Sugar: 154

Turn on oven to 350 degrees  F.
Recipe:  8 eggs and 4 T heavy cream whisked together - set aside.
1/4 red and yellow pepper diced
1 shallot minced
2 T grated Mild Jack cheese
Butter for greasing 6 muffin pan (use smaller size pan if you want.)

Grease pan, put diced items in bottom of muffin cup, sprinkle w/cheese, pour egg mixture on top (fill no more than 1/2 full).  Season with herbs to your taste and pop it in the oven for 25-32 minutes.  Add 1/4 sliced avocado (Omega 3, plant based ), sliced cucumbers, mixed greens or the best is butter leaf lettuce but this can be pricey.  Tomato - 2 slices (limit to once a week because this is a fruit and there is trace sugar) - Veganaise on tomatoes (really good tasting - can't tell the difference between that and mayo) - and my favorite - B A C O N!!! (Yes, on keto plan bacon is VERY important.)

I will do my best to try to remember to take photos of meals, snacks and recipes.  I use some from the internet, some from my own recipe books when I catered and two invaluable books


And The KETO CURE: A low-carb, High-Fab dietary solution to Heal Your Body & Optimize Your Health:  Diabetes, Thyroid, Cholesterol, Weight Loss & More

Stick with me, I will figure out the links better.

After two small heart attacks and nearly topping out at 300 lbs I decided the only way to get on track is to truly look at what is going on.  First, I don't think I have seen a full-length mirror in decades.  Most of us just look at ourselves from the neck up and even that, I can't tell you if I SAW myself.  A gift of a trip for a week to Long Beach, Washington turned out to be the catalyst on many levels to take stock and make a decision.

I had just been relegated to a wheel chair.  It was humiliating and frustrating, it was belittling (I am already short) and it was confining.  When I saw my reflection in the mirror it woke me up.  Now I have been graced to be raised in a house where three of the four female occupants were beautiful and graceful.  Me, I had the freckles, buck teeth, and long body but short legs.  We all ice skated from the time we began to walk which in many ways has saved my life.  Cardio when skating is a side benefit to what I loved the most - the freedom and the speed at which I propelled my way through the years.  I was told that I was smart (like getting the educational toys instead of art supplies at Christmas) - but I was not "pretty".  In the end, that was the best gift I could have gotten.  Though I am smart - I am an artist first and foremost.  Okay - I'm getting off course here.

So - having confronted myself in a full length mirror, in a wheel chair, and on vacation I had two choices.  Neither of them seemed appealing.  You see, the wheelchair and I did NOT want to be seen in public.  After all - what will people think?  She's too fat, that is why she is in the wheelchair - the stores are too closed in and the steps are a problem.  Both were very good excuses for going nowhere.  Lucky for me, someone was not going to let that stop me from living life.  Enter Tim - we share a large portion of Neanderthal genes (thank you 23 & Me) and a rather wonderful trait of laughter as a means to navigate life's little bumps.  Tim's my "pusher".  Not in a bad senses, he pushes me around - again, not in the bad sense. He is not at all put off by the wheelchair. He is however needing some time sitting in it while someone is pushing the chair in order to appreciate bumps, ramps and people in the way. Other things to take into consideration while we are navigating this new form of my mobility is that he has to be mindful that the chair WILL roll on its' own if not supervised by an adult.  We were at the grocery store and he was pushing the wheel chair and I'm wondering if I should say something (I didn't want to be bossy - Right!) because the chair was heading for both a curb and the circular covered drive where people were picking up and dropping off  and loading groceries.  I look behind me and he is about 10 feet away.  Yikes!  Then of course there is the conundrum of being in a store or around groups of people and I believe I am talking to Tim but he is nowhere to be seen having wandered this way or that.  It is a learning curve.

So what is this all have to do with the Ketone project?  Everything!  Having been stationed at a highly toxic base where everything from Agent Orange (manufactured there), Chromium (the stuff that Erin Brockovich movie was based on), Cesium, Cobalt-60, nerve agents, anthrax and so much more; my thyroid has been affected to the point where it is enlarged and has folicular lesions of indeterminate origins, my heart has been affected by the benzine in the water from the Monsanto plant (maker of Round-up which is a watered down version of Agent Orange) and PCB's PCE's in water and soil.  Chemical experimenting on human beings were carried out at Ft. McClellan from 1939 to 1975 before Congress (and the Nuremberg laws against experimenting on subjects without their written permission ) brought it to an end.  There are still quite removal of soil and water testing going on to this day - but the people affected by this have had no way to redress this dark period.  Keto eating helps to clean up the thyroid. The thyroid is responsible for regulating hormones, for filtering out pathogens in the body.  The main component of Keto eating is the elimination of most starches (you can eat pork rinds) and all sugars where ever possible.  This is not the "DASH" diet which was prescribed by my VA doctor.  I tried and only gained weight and felt like everything was reduced to cardboard tasting nothing - left me hungry and irritable (who wouldn't be).  So - I researched nutrition and the damage that sugar does to the bodies ability to repair and maintain stasis.

Then came the hard part - putting it into action.  The best way to succeed is to do it in the open.  So - I will post meals and recipes, track statistical data for hypertension and A1C measurements as well as ONCE a week weighing in.

Shall we begin?

It pains me to post this picture - but a journey begins with a single step - er, in my case, with the turn of a wheel.  Tim and I in Port Townsend at the beautiful fountain and steps behind it that I hope to climb one day - probably after knee replacements because there is nothing but bone on bone with spurs and osteoporosis - Thank you again Ft. Mac for all you have given me.

 The man who saved my life, now I will save my health so I have many, many years with him!

  Somehow I am going to climb those steps!!


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