The "White Stuff"
Here it is October the 12th, Columbus Day, and the "white stuff" is blocking my view of the bird feeders. This view outside of my window has been cropped so that my neighbors can't be seen, the road can't be seen, and most importantly - I can't be seen either. It is a place where Scarlett can view the world going by and Jake - who is as tall as the height of my writing table - can tuck himself underneath by the heater and keep track of all the comings and goings in this part of the house, both inside and out. Izz, well, she is snoring over by the printer shelf and has her nose half in and half out of the trash can - her favorite toy. I am warm, and surrounded by books, photographs of places I have been and a half a dozen half finished hats litter the remainder of this dining table turned desk. What a luxury!

Not all things are so cozy though. As I write it has been 8 days since and irregular mammogram. Two days since I received the letter that I need to come in for more studies and one day since I emailed my primary care provider for further instructions. The reply came this morning - diagnostic mammogram. Like most things in my life my mammograms have never been "regular", there has always been a pea sized growth that sits by a lymph node. My little pea sized growth was found in 1992 and hasn't done much but sit there and enjoy the ride. But, I guess that "it" got restless because now "it" is the size of a silver dollar. I haven't seen the films, maybe that is why I am so nervous. The waiting game begins.
So, what am I going to do in the mean time? Well, "Knit" of course. I will knit hats, slippers, scarves, mittens and socks. And when I can't sit still enough to knit I go down to the basement and I weave, or I quilt, or I cross stitch. Anything to take my mind off of "it."
How has the waiting been? Well, see for yourself, there is a new scarf - cotton denim from the "Freedom" collection, the beginnings of a witch hat, the completion of a hat for Trisha from the Lang Milli Collari line - what FABULOUS colors! There is the attempt at the granny squares for the skull cap in Alterknits and a new hat that will be whatever the hell I want it to be. If I had knit it in red I could call it the "Hat from Hell".....Who knew?
The snow has stopped and the ground has failed to hold the flakes aloft, instead inhaling them like a long slow drink of cold water. I have to go fill the feeder - after all, it looks like it is going to be a long, cold, winter
