37, 954 is the latest word count.
The writing is coming along. I sit and feel like I am watching and hearing the conversations between the characters. Like it is a movie almost. I thought that I knew which direction the characters were taking but I find time and time again that I'm wrong. I am just as interested in their story as if it were already written - I feel like I am reading it at the same time.
I'm glad that I decided to take the challenge of NANOWRIMO. I started the whole thing just so I would have a goal - a finite goal which was not something measured in years or pounds or inches. Something that would begin at a certain time and something that was scheduled to end at a certain time - with or without me meeting the goal - the end has a finite time. November 30th, at 11:59 p.m. I didn't think that I could possible think of that many words to get to 5k. I was equally shocked when I hit 10k. Imagine my surprise at 35k. In between writing I have been helping husband look for a bit of land. He found something, we went to look at it and he liked it so he is going to get it. There is a farm a couple of doors up and when I get back on Monday I'll have
some pictures to post.
I have also been partaking in knitting another sweater so that I can pretend that it is not an avoidance tactic. It is an avoidance tactic - but someone will be all the warmer for it.
So, with that note, it is time to head to bed. . . tomorrow is another day.
The writing is coming along. I sit and feel like I am watching and hearing the conversations between the characters. Like it is a movie almost. I thought that I knew which direction the characters were taking but I find time and time again that I'm wrong. I am just as interested in their story as if it were already written - I feel like I am reading it at the same time.
I'm glad that I decided to take the challenge of NANOWRIMO. I started the whole thing just so I would have a goal - a finite goal which was not something measured in years or pounds or inches. Something that would begin at a certain time and something that was scheduled to end at a certain time - with or without me meeting the goal - the end has a finite time. November 30th, at 11:59 p.m. I didn't think that I could possible think of that many words to get to 5k. I was equally shocked when I hit 10k. Imagine my surprise at 35k. In between writing I have been helping husband look for a bit of land. He found something, we went to look at it and he liked it so he is going to get it. There is a farm a couple of doors up and when I get back on Monday I'll have

I have also been partaking in knitting another sweater so that I can pretend that it is not an avoidance tactic. It is an avoidance tactic - but someone will be all the warmer for it.
So, with that note, it is time to head to bed. . . tomorrow is another day.