I'm still at it. over 16k words - though right now I'm a little off the game for writing. My MC (main character) had a fight with her mother - and well, any woman who has had a fight with her mother knows that it hurts long and deep. So, I keep telling myself - it is just a story, it is just a story, it is just a story. . . So far it isn't working, but, I'll keep up the mantra.
Here in sunny Michigan, it is November and it is in the high 50's what is with that? I know that we are talking about a shift in global weathering - but this girl is a cold weather below zero kind of kid. LOL. Seriously, I am in deep withdraw for snow, ice, cold weather, fireplace and nordic ski sweaters.

The writer is off in his room doing his writing thing and I have to admit that I feel like a phony; an impostor writing a "novel." I'm usually just the artist in the little room in the front. Actually, I am just in it for the deadline rush. There isn't much in my life that requires deadline setting, let alone deadline meeting so that is the true reason for the NANOWRIMO. So.....it is back to the writing with some side trips to ETSY and Ebay for inspiration!
Good writing!