Novel writing month has finally arrived! I had trouble getting into the website, along with thousands of others I'm sure, but mission accomplished, links are uploaded and information was downloaded. WOOO HOOOO..... I have to admit that I had a serious writers block on November 1st, to wit I cleaned the house, took the dog to the vet (found out that our Bassett was not depressed, just having trouble peeing), decorated the front porch, hooked up some lights, made some homemade soup - - - just your regular run of the mill avoidance campaign.
By Nov 2, I thought that I could just pretend that I hadn't wanted to write. but when you live with a "real" writer that isn't the easiest thing to hide. "How many words have your written," he asked casually...."none", "hmmmmm -" he says - that means that tomorrow you will be 3 days behind - how many words was that a day? 1600?" The "writer" is not being smug, he is actually non-judgemental....
So, the launch is complete, I've finished the profile and an excerpt is written and after the 3 dogs have made their beds and started snoring I'll be able to write. I can see that all of this is going to take place in the still of the night, in the dead of the night and any other night cliche that I can think of. . . Oh, God, what have I gotten myself into this time?