There it is ladies and gentlemen!!! I have completed the task - ending the novel at 50,386 words at 12:45 a.m., EST, November 29th, 2007.
I didn't think that I had that many words in me, let alone and continuous and coherent thought. Who knew? The next step is going to be to save it to disc, send it to the nearest copying store and make 4 copies to distribute to a few close friend to see what they think. If the review is decent, I'll look for an agent and hope for a hand-signed rejection. When I was youngish - in my late, late, teens I ventured forth into the journalistic world and actually papered my little half-bath in my apartment with rejection slips. It was a conversation starter to say the least and a tribute to the tenacity of youth. Could it be that the older we get the less we believe there are original thoughts swimming around in our non-writers head? Don't know, I do know that the writer who lives here has been supportive and encouraging - which sad to say I did not display during his last health victory. He is, excuse the pun, bigger than I am - - or if he is not, he is very good at hiding it.
So, to victor goes the spoils. . . I have treated myself to a red mug that announces to the world; I am Novelist!
Until next year, "the pen is mightier than the sword and a whole hell of a lot harder to polish and wield!
Oh yes, I would like to thank the patience of friends, family and of course the inspiration from "the triplets" (you know who y
