Well folks..... I'm managed to reach the 10k mark for the NANOWRIMO!!! No small feat I can tell you. And now the guilt sets in. I didn't write last night because the weather is getting a little chilly up here in Michigan and Writer needs to have his sweater done. (After all Writer has been waiting nearly three years to have the sweater done. ) If you didn't see the sweater before, let me sho

As you can now see, there is a sleeve. Woo Hoo!!!!! And what a sleeve it is. Amazing what you can do with two sticks and 4 colors of yarn. So, the goal is to get knitting while the cable shows are on, put the dogs to bed and type the little fingers to the bone in the wee hours of the morning - which has totally thrown off the puppies schedules. Poor Scarlett (that is her to the left), waits patiently outside my bedroom door - she is so vigilant that Writer has moved her bed there so she can stay out of drafts and be more comfortable. What a dog! A friend till the end. Mark Twain would have loved our little bayboo. The rest of the clan is lounging on whatever chair has not been blocked off by their unthinking caretakers (Writer and me.)

Yeah, she has quite the sense of humor!
So, the writing is getting better - albeit having to play hooky after knitting until 5:30 this morning, but tonight is another writing day and I'm sure that I'll catch up.
What else has been going on since taking up the challenge to write? The garden has been sent to bed for the winter with new bulbs a mere 6 inches beneath the surface and wild birdseed with corn and sunflower seeds distracting the squirrels - - the porch has been decorated with fall leaves and white lights to herald in my favorite season of the year - COLD. . . hint, hint......

So, until next time - keep the light lit and the keyboard typing - 50k is still the end of the race.