BACK AGAIN: It has been a l-o-n-g week!

Day 21: Keto Journey Journal

Weight: 275.5
Sugar: 158! 
BP: 168-78 Pulse 49

I know it has been a while since I posted.  It has been a very stressful and long week and I'm glad to be home and working on paintings for two shows here in Washington.  More on that later (don't want to jink and not get into show).....

Today's lunch is antipasto - it is important to watch the number of grams of protein as well as making sure that there is the right percentage of fat - which is something I have never had to do before - diets were stripped down, blah and excruciating to stick to.  Keto is complicated but the books out now are full of information to keep one on track.  

Breakfast was a ham and cheese omelet - we found some duck eggs ad they are velvety tasting - higher fat content and OMG they are big.

They were well worth finding and will be used for the base of egg tempera paint as well!

I love this time of the year - the colors changing daily and the brilliant reds that are sparsely found along the highway make me smile.  The change in the colors of the light, the smell of fall and the sound of the leaves blowing lift my spirit.  Washington does not have the bite of winter that Anchorage does and though Michigan is beautiful - I think that I've found a home here in the Pacific Northwest.  We are going to be taking the ferry over to the San Juan islands soon - Tim is great company and always up for a scenic ride over hill and dale. LOL.  

If you have not heard - the Orionid meteor shower will peak tonight and tomorrow.  Look for Orion (obviously) in the wee hours of the morning for a show worth staying up for.  Grab your blanket or quilt, make a thermos of tea, coffee just some water and sit out under the stars.  The moon roof on the "Leviathan" is perfect and we can tilt the seats back to watch if we get too cold outside.  Maybe we will see an owl or two!

A preview of Rudy - for the Small Art exhibit coming up - 6"x6"


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